Saturday, November 04, 2006

Subliminal Rails by

Subliminal Rails by RubyAware.comA fast pace two minute film that imparts the wisdom of Ruby on Rails in a subliminal manner. Fresh from the Surails Video Gallery. Allows the new Rails user to “talk the talk” even if they can’t code the code. May be used purely as technical entertainment for the experienced Rails user.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ruby Sig: How To Design A Domain Specific Language

Google Tech Talks
October 5, 2006

David Pollak has been developing commercial software for 28 years. He founded Athena Design and wrote Mesa, the first real-time spreadsheet. David wrote Integer, the first online, collaborative spreadsheet. Since 2000, David has been developing domain specific languages for security and general web development.

David will describe a framework for developing DSLs which includes:

* Identifying the constituents in a development project;
* Determining the costs and benefits of a DSL for a particular constituency vs. hand-coding functionality for that constituency based on interviews and specs;
* Identifying the 'thought leader' in a given constituency and interviewing him or her to determine the semantics of the domain;
* Determining syntax of the DSL;
* Mocking up the DSL and 'test driving' it with the thought leader;
* Finding appropriate integration points for the DSL into the application;
* Defining the process by with the Domain Experts will update code in the DSL (e.g., they have a web page where they can change tax calculation rules vs. they make a change to particular Ruby files as part of a development/staging/production cycle.); and
* Iterate over the semantics, syntax, and process to fully integrate Domain Experts into the development process.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Red Scared
Future of Ruby
Ruby A Programmer's Best Friend

From the Least Surprised "Unbound Myth'd".